What Gets Lost in Interpretation: How Close Is Close Enough?

08/05/2023 09:00 AM - 12:15 PM CT


  • $50.00




AATIA members, please note!! The price shown above is the non-member price. Please log in before registering in order to register at the member rate ($40). (You may need to refresh the registration page in order to see the member rate after logging in.) If your membership has lapsed, you will need to renew before you can register at the member rate. Non-members may join AATIA before registering and pay the member rate.

This JBCC- and ATA-approved webinar will enable interpreters licensed by the Texas Judicial Branch Certification Commission (JBCC) to earn 3 hours of non-ethics continuing education credit and translators certified by the American Translators Association (ATA) to earn 3 continuing education points. New Mexico court interpreters certified by the Administrative Office of the Courts will earn 2 continuing education units (CEUs).


Every moment on the job, court interpreters are analyzing meaning, choosing between alternate ways to understand what we’re hearing in the source language and to express it in the target language. The goal of a “complete and accurate” interpretation is more ambiguous and subjective than it first appears, and cultural assumptions play a big role in misunderstandings. This webinar will encourage interpreters to remember the larger world context – and not just the individual words – in producing speech that better captures the intention of the original speakers. 

The language of instruction will be English and the webinar will be language-neutral, although some vocabulary may be offered in Spanish for those who work with Spanish.

This webinar is intended mainly for court interpreters licensed by the Texas Judicial Branch Certification Commission who are seeking to fulfill their JBCC continuing education requirement, but will also be useful for interpreters preparing to take the JBCC licensing exam or the federal court interpreter certification exam and for translators who work in the legal field. 

This event will be held online via Zoom. You will receive information on how to connect to the Zoom session a few days before the webinar.

In order to comply with JBCC attendance verification requirements and receive your certificate of participation, you must keep your computer or phone camera on throughout the webinar. Please do not register if you are not willing or able to comply with this requirement.

Participants licensed by JBCC will earn 3 non-ethics continuing education hours

Participants certified by the American Translators Association (ATA) will earn 3 continuing education points

New Mexico AOC-certified court interpreters will earn 2 continuing education units (CEUs)


AATIA members     $40

Non-members         $50

About our presenter

Marco Hanson is a Spanish translator, interpreter and instructor with two decades of experience. He was born and raised in Brownsville, Texas, on the Mexican border, and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in foreign languages and a master’s in Spanish linguistics. He has conversational or reading skills in French, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and Russian. His teaching background includes Spanish and ESL at the elementary, high school and college levels. He is licensed by the Texas judiciary for (verbal) interpreting in all jurisdictions and certified as a federal court interpreter. He is also certified by the American Translators Association for Spanish to English (written) translation. He is active on the boards of professional organizations as a language access policy advocate, mentor and trainer. His practice focuses on the legal, medical, military and engineering fields.


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